Tidigare evenemang

Digitalisering och säkerhet

Information Tid: 09:00-17:00, 19 April Plats: Torsgatan 21, Stockholm (PwC:s lokaler) Pris exkl moms: 750SEK CPE poäng: 6 CPE Anmäl dig här! Det…

Internal Audit 2020 – And beyond

Dear member The Institute of Internal Auditors of Hungary (IIA Hungary) together with Information Systems Audit and Control Association of Hungary (ISACA Hungary)…

Data security for internal auditors

Course information: The rapid pace of technological change and globalisation have profoundly transformed the scale and way personal data is collected and organisations…

Grundkurs i Internrevision 12-14 september

Internrevisionen har fått en alltmer viktig roll och betydelse, bland annat genom lagstiftning, ägarstyrningskoder och börsregler inom såväl privat som offentlig sektor. Denna…

Root Cause Analysis

This master class is for experienced internal audit staff, managers and HIAs who want to look at best practices around analysing the root…