IPPF Standards på svenska
Professionsutvecklingskommittén på IIA Sweden har nu tagit fram en översättning till svenska för IPPF Standards. Nedan finner du både originalversionen av dokumentet på…
Professionsutvecklingskommittén på IIA Sweden har nu tagit fram en översättning till svenska för IPPF Standards. Nedan finner du både originalversionen av dokumentet på…
Without question, 2020 was defined by the global coronavirus pandemic (GCP). By March, as the research for Risk in Focus got underway, Europe…
Join the 3D virtual Internal Audit Conference hosted by the Chartered IIA, in the UK! This online conference offers you an unique immersive…
While the requirement to obtain the correct number of CPEs has not changed due to COVID-19 (e.g. 40 CPE for CIA still applies),…
Get acquainted with the latest understanding of governance and risk management The Three Lines Model is a fresh look at the familiar Three…
The August issue of Internal Auditor magazine is focused on technology, with articles that examine artificial intelligence, resilience, agile auditing, and more. The…
In today’s unprecedented environment, effective internal auditing requires thorough planning coupled with nimble responsiveness to quickly changing risks. To add value and improve…
Credit risk has always been considered a key risk for financial services organisations and, for a good number of organisations, maybe the most…
The Webinar Playback Library provides IIA members with up-to-the-minute information on today’s latest topics from thought leaders in the internal audit industry–directly from…
E-learning appen Sara är ett enkelt sätt att lära dig praktisk användning av IPPF:en, genom att svara på dagliga frågor. Att genomgå kursen…