International Conference of the IIA Lithuania
We are pleased to invite you to the International Conference of the IIA Lithuania on April 11th, 2019 as well as to the training „Root cause analysis for internal auditors“ on April 12th, 2019 which will take place in Vilnius, Hotel Courtyard by Marriott Vilnius City Centre.
At the conference, professionals form Lithuania and abroad will share their experiences and insights on main internal auditors’ challenges nowadays:
• Ina Lukošienė, Internal Auditors Association “Welcome message”
• Edita Janušienė, State Tax Inspectorate “Introductionary speech”
• Dovilė Grigienė, Swedbank “Values of a modern organization”
• Andre Kaldamäe, Ramirent Shared Services AS (Estonia) “Man against machine: auditing robots”
• Dorthe Tolborg, Danske bank group (Denmark) “Audit planning process in agile way”
• PhD Arūnas Dulkys, National Audit Office of Lithuania “An auditor needs a positive approach to life”
• John Chesshire, the States of Guarsey (UK) “How to lose £2.6m and get promoted (based on real fraud case)”
• Gaute Brynildsen, Gjensidige group (Norway) “Auditing cybersecurity – no silver bullet”
• PhD Šarūnas Nedzinskas UAB Skuba, AB Litgrid, “What should we know about organizational changes? “
• Doc. Adrija Čepaitė – Palšauskienė “Why is it so difficult to communicate in times of virtual reality”
There will be simultaneous translation from Lithuanian to English and vice versa.
Training „Root cause analyses for internal auditors“ (in English) will be held by conference guest internal audit and assurance service specialist and professional lecturer John Chesshire (United Kingdom). The number of participants is limited, thus we invite you to register now.
More information about the Conference and training as well as registration form you will find on our website: IIA Lithuania Conference. After registering you will receive a pre-invoice.
Early bird prices valid up to February 1st, 2019:
• Conference + Training – 410 EUR (save 100 EUR)
• Conference – 230 EUR (save 50 EUR)
• Training – 250 EUR (save 50 EUR)
10% discount is applied for conference and training fees when registering 2 and more participants from one organization.
If you have any questions, please contact Agnė Dapkuvienė ( ) or Erika Strazdienė (