Internrevisorernas finansforum 2019
Internrevisorerna välkomnar samtliga medlemmar och samarbetspartners inom bank och finans till Internrevisorernas finansforum, en utbildningsdag med temat Kontrollfunktioner i finansbranschen – vilka utmaningar ställs vi inför?
Läs mer om programmet, dagens talare och ämnen nedan.
- Datum: 13 maj
- Tid: 09:00 – 17:15, med efterföljande mingel
- Plats: 7A Centralen, Vasagatan 7, 3 tr
- Pris: medlem 4000 SEK, icke-medlem 6000 SEK
- CPE-poäng: 7
08:30 – 09:00
Registrering och kaffe
09:00 – 09:50
The Future Beyond Conformance
Naohiro Mouri
Executive VP and Chief Auditor at AIG & IIA Global Chairman
10:00 – 10:50
Applying COSO ERM to Managing ESG Risks
Paul Sobel
VP and Chief Risk Officer at Georgia-Pacific
11:00 – 11:50
Internal Audit Meets Compliance
Mark Carawan
Chief Compliance Officer at Citigroup
11:50 – 13:00
13:00 – 13:25
Regelverksuppdatering och aktuella frågor inom bankverksamhet
Sara Ekstrand
Ansvarig för penningtvätt, bostadsjuridik och compliance på Svenska Bankföreningen
13:25 – 13:50
Regelverksuppdatering och aktuella frågor för försäkringsbranschen
Peter Kullgren
Partner på Hamilton
14:00 – 14:50
Audit in the Future – Powered by AI
Bo Karlsson
Authorised Public Accountant and Transformation Leader at PwC Sweden
14:50 – 15:20
15:20 – 16:10
Internal Audit Ambition Model: Be the Game Changer
Marieta de Vos-Vermulm, Manager Internal Audit at Atotech
Els Heesakkers, Senior Auditor Professional Practices at CZ
16:20 – 17:10
Globala möjligheter genom exponentiell teknikutveckling
Claudia Olsson
Young Global Leader World Economic Forum & CEO at Exponential AB
17:10 – 20:00
Ett axplock av dagens föreläsare:
Claudia Olsson
Young Global Leader World Economic Forum & CEO Exponential AB
Claudia Olsson är VD för Exponential AB och styrelseordförande för Swedish for Professionals. Hon har utsetts till ung global ledare av World Economic Forum, samt till en av Europas 40 främsta ledare under 40 år. Hon är även affilierad till fakultetet vid Singularity University på NASA Ames Research Park och David Rockefeller Fellow vid Trilateral Commission. Hon har tidigare arbetat bland annat för FN, Utrikesdepartementet och ACCESS Health International. Hon har blivit utsedd till Veckans Affärers Supertalang 2010, och Young Global Leader av World Economic Forum 2017.
Globala möjligheter genom exponentiell teknikutveckling
Det finns mycket som pekar på att framtiden kommer att präglas av globalisering, digitalisering och exponentiell teknikutveckling. Tekniska framsteg förändrar hur vi arbetar, innoverar och kommunicerar på global nivå. Claudia delar under föreläsningen med sig av insikter om den tekniska utvecklingens inverkan på medborgare, samhälle och globala marknader samt hur de påverkar vårt framtida ledarskap, organisationer och lärande.
Naohiro Mouri
Executive VP and Chief Auditor AIG & IIA Global Chairman
Mouri-san is Executive Vice President and Chief Auditor of American International Group (AIG), a global property-casualty, life and retirement, and general insurance company based in New York. In a career spanning more than 20 years, Mouri-san has held a number of chief auditor positions. Before joining AIG, he was a Statutory Executive Officer, Senior Vice President and Chief Auditor for MetLife Alico Insurance K.K. Japan. He also led the audit departments at J.P. Morgan Asia Pacific; Shinsei Bank; Morgan Stanley Japan; and Deutsche Bank Japan. He began his career at Arthur Andersen in Atlanta and Tokyo.
The Future Beyond IPPF Conformance
A successful career in internal audit is built on the solid foundation provided by the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (IPPF). By elevating the Standards in our daily practice, we as Internal Auditors can elevate the profession to new heights to prepare for the future.
To elaborate on the importance of the Standards and on the path forward of the Internal Audit profession, we have invited Global Chairman of the Board, Naohiro Mouri. The session will be a presentation and a Q&A lead by Charlotta Löfstrand Hjelm, Chief Internal Auditor at Länsförsäkringar, IIA Director at Large and member of the IIA Responsibility and Ethics committee.
In his presentation and Q&A, Mr, Mouri will share his experience from travelling the world representing The IIA during his year as Global Chairman. What is the state of the profession globally and where are we heading? He will also share his experiences from over 20 years in the Internal Audit profession and his views on the path forward for the profession. In is talk he will discuss what lies ahead for the future of the IPPF and the work that is being done within the IIA to enhance the Standards.
For his chairman’s theme, Mouri-san chose “Emphasize the Basics. Elevate the Standards” to underscore how important conformance to the Standards is in ensuring internal audit remains relevant. “It is my hope that my theme will be a constant reminder that we must use all the tools provided by the Standards to build a foundation upon which to stake our professional claim,” Mouri-san said. “If each of us strives to elevate the Standards in our daily practice, then together we can raise the profession to new heights.
Paul Sobel
VP and Chief Risk Officer Georgia-Pacific
Paul J. Sobel, CIA, CRMA, QIAL, is Vice President/Chief Risk Officer for Georgia-Pacific, LLC, a privately-owned forest and consumer products company based in Atlanta, GA. He previously served as the CAE for Georgia-Pacific three public companies: Mirant Corporation, an energy company based in Atlanta, GA.; Aquila, Inc., an energy company based in Kansas City, MO.; and Harcourt General’s publishing operations based in Orlando, FL.
In 2018, Paul was appointed Chairman of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). He is leading the Board for a three-year term in the development of guidance and thought leadership on enterprise risk management, internal control, fraud and governance.
Paul has authored or co-authored four books: Managing the Risk of Uncertainty; Auditor’s Risk Management Guide: Integrating Auditing and ERM; Internal Auditing: Assurance and Advisory Services; and Enterprise Risk Management: Achieving and Sustaining Success.
Paul served as The IIA’s Chairman of the Board in 2013-2014, and has served in other IIA leadership roles. In 2012, he was recognized in Treasury & Risk Magazine’s list of 100 Most Influential People in Finance. He currently sits on the Consultancy Advisory Group for IFAC’s International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IIASB) and International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA).
In the past, he served on the COSO ERM Advisory Council for the update to the COSO ERM framework and the Standing Advisory Group of the PCAOB. In 2017, he received The IIA’s Bradford Cadmus Memorial Award for distinguished service to the profession and was inducted into The IIA’s American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners.
Applying COSO’s Enterprise Risk Management-Framework (ERM) to Environmental, Social and Governance-Related Risks (ESG)
Entities, including businesses, governments and non-profits, face an evolving landscape of ESG-related risks that can impact their profitability, success and even survival. Given the unique impacts and dependencies of ESG-related risks, COSO and WBCSD have partnered to develop guidance to help entities better understand the full spectrum of these risks and to manage and disclose them effectively. During this session, you will learn about the five components and twenty principles that make up COSO’s ERM-framework, understand how the framework can be used to identify, assess and manage specific groups of risks, such as ESG-risks, identify how the Framework impacts internal audit’s assurance and advisory roles including assessing the effectiveness of enterprise risk management, and explore ways to advance risk management in your organization.
Mark Carawan
Chief Compliance Officer Citigroup
Marieta de Vos-Vermulm
Manager Internal Audit at Atotech
Marieta de Vos-Vermulm is Manager Internal Audit at Atotech BV a global leader in the highly complex world of plating chemicals, equipment and services for printed circuit board. Marieta holds a Master degree in Business Administration from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam in The Netherlands. In addition, Marieta has two Post-Master degrees in the field of auditing (Registered Operational auditor/Registered EDP auditor) and holds other certifications such as CIE, CISA and CRISC. Marieta gained extensive experience in the field of internal audit and risk management whilst working for companies like LM Wind Power (a GE Renewable Energy Company) and various financial organizations within the Netherlands. To contribute to the Internal Audit profession Marieta is actively involved in the Institute of Internal Auditors (e.g., member IIA PAS Commission and member Taskforce IA AM) and holds a board position with N’Lloyd, overseeing the Audit & Review and Quality Assessment Committee.
Els Heesakkers
Senior Auditor Professional Practices at CZ
Els Heesakkers is Senior Auditor Professional Practices at the Internal Audit Department of CZ, the number three health insurance company located in the Netherlands. She is a Chartered Accountant with 18 years in internal auditing. She has a great interest in improving the quality and the added value of the Internal Audit Function (IAF) and in increasing the broader recognition of the profession. To contribute to the Internal Audit profession Els is a member and the secretary of the Taskforce IA AM and a member of the Benchmarking Committee of IIA Netherlands. She introduces the IA AM in the IIA introductory training for CAEs new to their role. Since October 2016 she lectures at Tilburg University in the Netherlands for Post Master Accountancy (PMA) where the model is part of the Internal Audit program.
Internal Audit Ambition Model: Be the Game Changer
In a globally connected world, there is a growing need for Internal Audit Functions (IAF) to deliver added value to their organisations. Stakeholders expect more from their IAFs. Therefore advocacy is critical to elevate the image, and it begins at home. To meet these needs of the IAFs and their stakeholders, a task force of internal auditors in the Netherlands developed the Internal Audit Ambition Model (IA AM). With the IA AM we aim for the following three objectives:
- For CAEs: Dare to express your ambitions and check if you comply with the IPPF standards. The IA AM supports the development of a clear roadmap to realize your ambitions and it is an easy tool to compare your ambition and achievements with your peers.
- For board members: The IA AM supports your dialogue with the CAE in a clear and simple way by providing you with the relevant themes and topics.
- For professional bodies: Use the IA AM as a benchmark tool to gain insight into the current state and ambition levels of IAFs in your country. Encourage the sharing of good practices through e.g. meetings, round tables and publications. Set up a coaching or mentor program for CAEs and their internal auditors to get up to standard with IPPF.
Bo Karlsson
Authorised Public Accountant and Transformation Leader at PwC Sweden
Audit in the Future – Powered by AI
Sara Ekstrand
Ansvarig för penningtvätt, bostadsjuridik och compliance på Svenska Bankföreningen
Nya regler om styrning och riskhantering inom bankverksamhet
Peter Kullgren
Partner at Hamilton
Peter Kullgren är partner i Hamiltons verksamhetsgrupp Bank och finans. Peter har omfattande erfarenhet av att biträda svenska och utländska finansiella företag, banker, försäkringsbolag (både direktförsäkring och återförsäkring), försäkringsförmedlare, värdepappersbolag, fonder och betaltjänsteleverantörer. Peter har omfattande erfarenhet i frågor avseende finansmarknaden och dess tillsyn. Peter är rankad som en av de ledande juristerna inom bank och finans av Chambers and Partners och är rekommenderad av Legal 500.