A confusing future requires direction and valuable mindset

The first day ended up with dancing and mingling at Berns but after a few hours of sleep, it was time to proceed with the final day of GRC Conference 2019. Inspiring presentations awaited the participants and the cinema was full of cheering comments about the previous day.
The real innovation is to fulfill the idea
Azita Shariati was the first one to enter the stage in saloon 1. Azita is CEO at Sodexo and has received many great awards for her including leadership. Azita brought up interesting thoughts regarding innovation saying that it is easy to come up with new ideas but the real innovation is to fulfill the idea. Actions never lie is her motto and she highlighted the importance of risk analysis to continuously improve an organisation.
Another interesting presentation was held by Pia Gruvö from MUST (Militära underrättelse- och säkerhetstjänsten) who talked about how to keep the secrets of Sweden truly secret. Other concrete tools were handed during the day as Viveka Strangert, legal expert within legal framework and compliance presented clear examples of how GL 11 works. Viveka was also nominated for the GRC Profile 2019 award.
Inclusion and openness characterised the conference
The second day of GRC Conference 2019 included 23 presentations which all were based on Risks in focus 2019. Inclusion and openness characterised the conference and the participants were encouraged to ask questions through an app during the presentations for the speakers to answer at the end of each presentation.
Chris Dancy had the honor to complete the conference with his inspiring presentation of how to become a mindful cyborg. It was a mind-opening presentation that focused on how to use technology as a tool for embracing values. He ended the presentation by giving three lessons to be a mindful cyborg: we do not get better by counting steps, we get better by taking them, we do not download apps, we download habits, and we all need to stop valuing our schedules and start scheduling our values.
Thank you to all who contributed to GRC 2019
GRC Conference 2019 was brought to an end by Linda Lundin, CEO at IIA Sweden who expressed her gratefulness to all who contributed to the conference. A special thank you to all speakers for providing everyone with knowledge, inspirations, and motivation. Thank you to all of the partners who contributed to creating a good atmosphere for discussion and networking. And of course, a big thank you to all participants, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
A special thank you to all of the organisers and partners:
IIA Sweden, Compliance Forum, ISACA and SWERMA
Stratecute, ServiceNow and OneTrust Vendorpedia
Stratsys, Refero, Avedos, Galvanize Bizcon, Acrea and Wolters Kluwer Br1ght