Bokrea på IIA Sweden

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Quality Assessment Manual
Pris medlem: före 2100 kr, nu 1680 kr
Pris icke-medlem: före 2500 kr, nu 2000 kr
Revised by leading quality assessment methodology experts, along with an international team of reviewers, this updated Quality Assessment Manual broadens the focus to include all components of a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP). While the basic structure and concepts remain the same from the previous version, enhancements and additional implements have been added. Highlights include:
- More clarity between a full assessment, a self-assessment with independent validation, and internal assessments. A new chapter has been added especially for internal assessments.
- A streamlined planning process with clear differentiation between planning and fieldwork activities.
- Appendices redesigned in a user-friendly format with clear linkage between all implements. Some have been redesigned to include evaluation of conformance, identification of successful internal audit practices, and opportunities for continuous improvement centrally located in one section.
- A new document to facilitate the review of working papers by the assessor or assessment team.
- A revised reporting format to more clearly present assessment results.
- A new report specific to organizations that perform a self-assessment with independent validation.
This is a valuable resource for all organizations with a QAIP or for those entities responsible for conducting external assessments. It is a must-have reference for every internal audit activity and chief audit executive’s resource library.
Värdeskapande internrevision
Pris medlem: före 260 kr, nu 208 kr
Pris icke-medlem: före 320 kr, nu 256 kr
Internrevision syftar till att skapa värde åt företag och organisationer. Genom att utvärdera styrning, riskhantering och kontroll i organisationer bidrar internrevisionen till det strategiska genomförandet och att organisationer når sina mål. Internrevisionens värdeskapande uppgift är emellertid ingen enkel sak. I den här boken tar författaren upp tio områden som har betydelse för att kunna skapa värde och högprestera som internrevisor och internrevisionsverksamhet. Inom varje område lämnas tips och rekommendationer om vad som är viktigt att tänka på. Boken är skriven för dem som leder och utvecklar professionell internrevision men passar även på kurser på högskolor och universitet samt på yrkesorienterade kurser om styrning, riskhantering och kontroll av organisationer.
Om författaren:
- Olof Arwinge är ekonomie doktor från Uppsala universitet och rådgivare vid KPMG inom Governance, Risk och Compliance (GRC). Han har skrivit flera böcker inom områdena intern styrning och kontroll, strategi och riskhantering, samt internrevision, och är även lärare vid Uppsala universitet.
The Politics of Internal Auditing
Pris medlem: före 468 kr, nu 375 kr
Pris icke-medlem: före 550 kr, nu 440 kr
Organizations are, by definition, political. They are comprised of people who have different individual goals and objectives, different value systems, different approaches to accomplishing their objectives, and different motivating reward systems. When it comes to internal auditing and the reality that internal audit results may reflect badly on some individuals, the potential for political pressure on CAEs is great.
This research report addresses political pressure on CAEs and their internal audit departments. Having surveyed nearly 500 CAEs from various business sectors around the world, researchers Patty Miller and Larry Rittenberg share how effective CAEs work to mitigate political pressure and lessons learned that may help manage political pressure.
Some of the research findings reveal:
- Political pressure comes in many forms.
- Political pressure can be managed and partially mitigated, but it always exists.
- Professional competence is required, but it is not sufficient.
- Political pressure exists whether the CAE position is career-focused or rotational.
Due to the nature of organizations, and basic human nature to succeed and be respected, political pressure will undoubtedly always be a risk in any organization. This research points out some things that can be done to strengthen the culture, improve the governance structure, and build support for internal auditing.
About the authors:
- Patricia K. Miller, CIA, QIAL, CRMA, CPA, CISA, has experience in the areas of governance, risk management, and internal control, with significant consulting and managerial experience in finance, accounting, internal auditing, and risk management.
- Larry E. Rittenberg, PhD, CIA, CPA, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin, Chair Emeritus, COSO, has taught the past 38 years at the University of Wisconsin in the areas of auditing, IT auditing, corporate governance, and risk management.
Trusted Advisors
Pris medlem: före 180 kr, nu 144 kr
Pris icke-medlem: före 220 kr, nu 176 kr
As internal auditors, trust is crucial to ultimate success. It’s important in gaining stakeholder’s confidence when offering advice on critical issues and effecting positive outcomes.
In Trusted Advisors: Key Attributes of Outstanding Internal Auditors, Richard F. Chambers taps an array of leading internal auditors and, from their experiences, provides insights into the traits that characterize outstanding internal auditors and those who have also truly earned a seat at the table.
Based on a global survey of nearly 300 chief audit executives (CAEs) and one-on-one interviews, Chambers details the personal, relational, and professional attributes of outstanding internal auditors, including:
- Ethical resiliency
- Results focus
- Intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness
- Dynamic communication and inspirational leadership
- Insightful relationships
- Critical-thinking skills, business acumen, and technical expertise
Whether you are just getting started as an internal auditor or you’re a seasoned veteran, the insights gleaned from the collective experience of these experts will help propel you to the next phase of your career.
About the author:
- Richard F. Chambers, CIA, QIAL, CGAP, CCSA, CRMA, is president and CEO of The IIA, the global professional association and standard-setting body for internal auditors. With more than four decades of internal audit and association management experience, he has held various leadership roles in the private and public sectors. He has received numerous awards, including being named by Accounting Today as one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting.” He authored the award-winning book, Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail, which is currently available in five languages.
Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail
Pris medlem: före 180 kr, nu 144 kr
Pris icke-medlem: före 260 kr, nu 208 kr
Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail details Richard Chambers’ career path to becoming the President and CEO of the Institute of Internal Auditors. Working in the internal audit profession for 40 years has provided Chambers with strategies to success for internal auditors. His unique insight will assist you in preparing for the internal audit field’s challenges and opportunities.
In Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail, you will learn:
- The characteristics of internal auditors
- The nature of risk
- How to deliver timely results
- How to earn a “seat at the table”
About the author:
- Richard F. Chambers, CIA, QIAL, CGAP, CCSA, CRMA, is president and CEO of The IIA, the global professional association and standard-setting body for internal auditors. With more than four decades of internal audit and association management experience, he has held various leadership roles in the private and public sectors. He has received numerous awards, including being named by Accounting Today as one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting.” He authored the award-winning book, Lessons Learned on the Audit Trail, which is currently available in five languages.